Travel Vocabulary in Indonesian Language


Are you planning a trip to Indonesia and want to communicate with the locals? Learning some basic travel vocabulary in Indonesian language can make your travel experience much smoother and enjoyable. Indonesian, also known as Bahasa Indonesia, is the official language of Indonesia and is spoken by millions of people across the country. In this article, we will explore some essential travel vocabulary that will help you navigate through your Indonesian adventure. Let’s dive in!

Greetings and Basic Phrases

1. Selamat pagi – Good morning

2. Selamat siang – Good afternoon

3. Selamat sore – Good evening

4. Selamat malam – Good night

5. Apa kabar? – How are you?

6. Terima kasih – Thank you

7. Sama-sama – You’re welcome

8. Tolong – Please

9. Maaf – Sorry

10. Permisi – Excuse me


11. Bandara – Airport

12. Stasiun kereta api – Train station

13. Terminal bus – Bus terminal

14. Taksi – Taxi

15. Ojek – Motorcycle taxi

16. Angkot – Public minivan

17. Kendaraan pribadi – Private vehicle

18. Tiket – Ticket

19. Kereta api – Train

20. Bus – Bus


21. Hotel – Hotel

22. Kamar – Room

23. Resepsionis – Receptionist

24. Sarapan – Breakfast

25. Kolam renang – Swimming pool

26. Wi-Fi – Wi-Fi

27. AC – Air conditioning

28. Lift – Elevator

29. Kunci – Key

30. Check-in – Check-in

Food and Beverages

31. Restoran – Restaurant

32. Menu – Menu

33. Makanan – Food

34. Minuman – Drink

35. Nasi – Rice

36. Ayam – Chicken

37. Ikan – Fish

38. Sayur – Vegetables

39. Teh – Tea

40. Kopi – Coffee


41. Kiri – Left

42. Kanan – Right

43. Lurus – Straight

44. Belok – Turn

45. Jalan – Street

46. Taman – Park

47. Pantai – Beach

48. Pasar – Market

49. Museum – Museum

50. Toilet – Toilet

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